Why is Gunasegaran dead?
Do you care?
Posted by Haris Ibrahim July 28, 2009At 5.10pm on 16th July, 2009, Malaysiakini first reported on thetragic death of Teoh Beng Hock.
Later that same night, a vigil was held outside the MACC HQ in ShahAlam attended by about 500 people, angered and horrified by Teoh'sdeath, the circumstances surrounding the same, and the patheticattempt on the part of the MACC to distance itself from anyculpability for this young man's tragic end.By the morning of the next day, it bacame clear that the generalpublic had not bought into the insensitive suggestion by a crass andcallous minister that Teoh had leapt to his death.The public wanted answers and relentlessly and loudly made this known.What the public did not then know was that shortly after Teoh's deathwas first reported by Malaysiakini, another, just slightly older thanTeoh but differently circumstanced, died in police custoody.R. Gunasegaran, aged 31, worked as a shop assistant in a toddy shop inSentul.On the evening of 16th July, Gunasegaran, along with several others,was arrested by an anti-dadah team.The arrestees were all taken to the Sentul police station.Two days later, on Saturday the 18th of July, the family ofGunasegaran was informed by the police that he was dead.Cause of death?According to the police, drug-related causes.The burial permit, issued by the hospital authorities, narrates the same.Drug-related causes, the burial permit declares, besides confirmingthat Gunasegaran was dead on arrival.The family was due to remove the body on Monday, 2oth July, forcremation, but inclement weather made this impossible.Divine intervention, it would seem, given the information that came tothe family of Gunasegaran soon after.Eye-witnesses to Guna's arrest and detention at the police stationhave given a version of events starkly at variance with the officialaccount.Guna, they say, was assaulted by the police at the time of arrest.At the police station, again, Guna was assaulted.This time, though, with such severity that Guna fell and lost consciousness.Guna, they say, never regained consciousness.The family have since requested for a copy of the post-mortem report.A post-mortem must already have been performed given the response tothe family's request for a copy of that report.The family have been told to first arrange for the body to be removedfrom the mortuary, and then make application for the report, whichwill then be delivered in about two months.You can well appreciate the dilemma of the family.Why is gunasegaran dead?Drug-related causes?Or police bashing?At a press conference today, the sister of the deceased, Madam Gowridemanded for a copy of the post-mortem report, if in fact such aprocedure has been carried out, and that an inquest into Gunasegaran'sdeath be carried out.
FC: ARTICLE 11- A Malaysian Dialogue
3 days ago
thanks guys for the comment